Weekly Updates
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Blanket Sunday in-parish appeal
begins October 12, 2024.
Donations can be made securely online: svdpcle.org
Checks may also be mailed to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday
1404 East 9th Street-3rd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114.
Annointing of the Sick
Saturday, October 19th
at 4:00 PM Mass
following the homily
Parent Cafe
Saturday, October 19th
following 4:00 PM Mass, in the rectory
Parents can share their insights
with parish leaders.
Parish Memorial Mass
Monday, November 4th
at St. Peter Parish
To commemorate our deceased loved ones
See the Bulletin for details
Donate to Nativity electronically
Nativity is looking for a an enthusiastic, tech savvy parishioner
who might be interested in managing our website. Learn more
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