Weekly Updates

All Saints Day 

Friday, November 1st
Masses at 8:15 AM & 6:00 PM
During the 6:00pm Mass, we would like
some children dressed as saints
to carry relics during the Entrance Procession. 
View the flyer here
 All Saints’ Day Party after the evening Mass 
in the rectory with games and food for families with children.  All are welcome to dress as a saint, or as a saint-in-training (yourself!).  The party will last until 8:15 pm, and we need volunteers from 7th grade through adult to help run the games. 

Please RSVP 
on the sheet by the 14th St. door,
or online here

Annointing of the Sick

Saturday, October 19th 
at 4:00 PM Mass
following the homily

Parent Cafe

Saturday, October 19th 
following 4:00 PM Mass, in the rectory
Parents can share their insights
with parish leaders.

Parish Memorial Mass

Monday, November 4th 
at St. Peter Parish
To commemorate our deceased loved ones
See the Bulletin for details


Donate to Nativity electronically

Nativity is looking for a an enthusiastic, tech savvy parishioner
who might be interested in managing our website.  
Learn more



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